Organic Farming
HOWA is a pioneer in distributing wholefood products and collaborating with producers in organic farming. We were one of the first enterprises, who where authorized to import, process and distribute wholefood products under the terms of the valid Öko-Regulation - shortly after the "EU-Eco-regulation" came into effect. Our Control Number is D-SH-KI-1-6329-BCD. Our production is controlled and monitored by the "BCS Öko-Garantie GmbH" (DE-ÖKO-001) in Nuremberg. They are performing routine inspections, to secure we are maintaining the requirements and guidelines of the EU-ECO-REGULATION appropiately. Here you can access our effective BCS-certificate. (german version)

What does "organic" actually mean?
Food labeled with the "Bio-Siegel" (Organic Certification) originate from controlled organic production according to the "EU-Eco-regulation" ("Verordnung (EG) Nr. 834/2007 and 889/2008 über den ökologischen Landbau und die entsprechende Kennzeichnung der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnisse und Lebensmittel"). The regulation ensures an EU-wide abidance of the strict guidelines on ecologically produced foods. It defines how agriculturally produced foods, which are labeled as organic, have to be produced and be controlled. This has to be standardized for a better consumer protection. Its area of application also includes not further processed agricultural products together with the processed foods - if they are destined to serve for human consumption.

The addition "bio" (organic) or "öko" (eco) cannot be used arbitrary. Only producers who do justice to the EU-Eco-regulation by undergoing continuous controls qualify for selling their products as labeled “organic”. Additionally, there has to be a code number on the food’s labels – or the name of the controlling inspection authority. In Germany, the code number consists of "DE-ÖKO-000" – "DE" stands for Germany, the three-digit number links to the inspection authority, which has certified the product. Every authority has their own individual code – this way, it can be traced back to its origin, and the origin of its ingridients - in any case of doubt.
The EU-Eco-regulation dictates all producers and distributors how to produce and process their food – and which ingridients are allowed to be added.
Following points have to be considered:- Prohibition of radiation on organic foods
- Prohibition of genetically modified organisms
- Abdication of agricultural pesticides
- Abdication of readily soluble mineral fertilizer
- Diversified, broad crop rotation
- Acreage-bound, humane husbandry
- Feeding with ecologically produced animal feed without any addition of antibiotics or performance enhancing drugs